Male 教授 Lecturing 历史 Class

美国的历史, 欧洲, 地中海, 非洲, 中东 and more await you at 资本! Dive into your chosen field and help bring the past to the present. Gain analytical skills to assess and synthesize a variety of sources to provide insight into patterns and trends for historians today and in the future.



  • 历史
  • 历史与教育
  • 辅修艺术史
  • 历史小
  • Public 历史/Historic Preservation Minor
Bring the Past to the Present

Study and Be a Part of 历史 at 资本


The study of history provides insights into patterns and trends making the past relevant to the present. 资本 students will develop the analytical skills to assess and synthesize a variety of sources. Courses include American history (非洲n-American history, 女人的历史, 南北战争, 1960年代和越南战争), 欧洲an and Mediterranean history (ancient and medieval, the Renaissance and Reformation), 和非洲历史, 中东, 拉丁美洲, 俄罗斯, 和中国. Through the 历史 Department, students have the opportunity to pursue a historic preservation minor. Through a strong liberal arts education and history focused curriculum, you will be ready for whatever comes next.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • 老师
  • 律师
  • 图书管理员
  • 档案管理员
  • 政治家
  • 教授
  • 管理员

Award-winning Documentaries have Hired Alumni as Researchers and Writers




of 历史 Students Complete an Internship Before Graduating



Students intern at museums, 历史的社会, 艺术画廊, and archives in Columbus, 华盛顿D.C., New York City, and other cities. Opportunities to intern even exist on campus and are open to all 历史 majors. A semester abroad also is available through the 威尼斯人官网 Office. Internships allow 资本 students to use skills gained in the classroom in a real-world situation. With such close connections to Columbus, students have the ability to network with working professionals that can help with their job search.


历史 at 资本 is always evolving and growing. Students take courses in a wide range of historical subjects and are encouraged to explore their interests through research, 实习, 以及课堂项目. Dedicated faculty members work with students individually as a mentor during their time at 资本 and after graduation. Recent graduates are pursuing advanced degrees at New York University, 锡拉丘兹大学, 俄亥俄大学, Florida International University, 芝加哥大学.


资本 offers a variety of programs for students who wish to pursue the field of history, including the standard history major and the education/history major for licensure by the state of Ohio to teach in grades 7-12. Students are trained in local schools, learning and practicing the latest teaching techniques. 作为威尼斯人平台的学生, you’ll teach students through lectures and small group activities to help them become globally responsible citizens.


Students are encouraged to join α Theta, the International Honorary Society for Historians. The professional society promotes the study of history through the encouragement of research, 良好的教学, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. The organization seeks to students and teachers together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promotes and assists historical research and publication by members in a variety of ways. 资本 has a strong relationship with the society and members benefit throughout their time on campus and even after graduation.


资本’s 历史 Department is affiliated with the American Historical Association (AHA). The AHA is the largest professional organization serving historians in all fields and all professions. The AHA is a trusted voice advocating for history education, the professional work of historians, and the critical role of historical thinking in public life. The AHA is part of the National Coalition for 历史, a consortium of over 50 organizations that advocates on federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues.


  • Survey of World 历史, Parts 1 and 2
  • Survey of American 历史, Parts 1 and 2
  • 非洲n-American 历史
  • 地中海历史
  • 俄罗斯历史
  • 中国历史
  • 历史研讨会
Female Walking With A Cell Phone


Male And Female Standing In Front Of Mees


Students Standing Around Gate

